Our mission is to heal the world through nature!

Nature for Healing, Healing for Nature

We are healers of the earth, of human and non-human animals. Part of our work is to support indigenous populations' initiatives to conserve the Amazon rainforest. We chose to settle on a piece of land we call Los Yapas in the Amazon in order to restore the forest, rescue the native and endemic flora and channel healing for all kinds of living beings that live in our community as well as those who visit us.

The Foundation

  • Our vision

    Restore the Amazon rain forest and conserve the cultures and pristine forests of the region.

  • Our mission

    To serve as channels to raise awareness for greater conservation and regeneration of the Amazonian forests and the social fabric of the communities that inhabit this lung of the world.
    We are achieving this through the regeneration of the Amazon rainforest and the holistic and integral regeneration of human health.

  • Our goal

    Create a community where people with the same dreams and values can connect, exchange knowledge and  co-create things together for the common good and for nature conservancy.

What do we do?

We have been regenerating 25 hectares of forest with endangered, endemic, and native species of the region for 18 years. At the same time, we support improving the quality of life for native women through support from the Kausana Foundation and the incomes we generate through Los Yapas Centro Holístico. For this reason, by choosing our co-creations and services, you are becoming part of this mission for the good of the Amazon and the common good.

For 10 years we have been collaborating with the Clinca Ambiental, expanding permaculture and human healing in the Amazon. Los Yapas Holistic Center is part of the Amazon Route of Hope, co-created by the people applying permaculture in their lands. 

Projects that allow us to fulfill our environmental and social responsibility in the Amazon:
1. Regenerate 25 hectares with native, endemic, and endangered species.
2.  Create a Botanical Garden (identify, list, map, and monitor the species; add educational signs with scientific and common names, physical properties, and indigenous knowledge) that serves as a learning resource for visitors, aiming to appreciate the richness of the Amazon, raise awareness, and enhance forest protection.
3. Co-create sustainable economic alternatives using permaculture to generate income while continuing to regenerate and maintain the forest.

  • To this end, we have established the Los Yapas Holistic Center, which offers accommodation, healing retreats, and permaculture workshops. This space, infused with the energy of the regenerated forest, allows residents and visitors alike to embark on an inner and evolutionary journey to enhance our quality of life, fostering greater awareness and alignment with the earth, leading to deeper respect for it and, consequently, for ourselves.
  • We have co-created a range of tools to enhance our health in a comprehensive and holistic manner, thanks to the benefits provided by the regenerated forest. Based on medicinal plants, we can co-create essential oils, extracts, food, natural cosmetics, and formulas to improve soil and the health of animals, both human and non-human. The brand for these co-creations is Ta`gueri, in honor of the ancestral peoples living in isolation in the Ecuadorian Amazon, one of which is the Tagaeri. The aim is for our projects to serve as inspiration, allowing us to work alongside more like-minded individuals to regenerate the Amazon and conserve what remains of the primary forests where indigenous peoples and those in isolation reside; thus, we can collectively respect their territories and ways of life.

4. We conduct workshops and healing retreats for indigenous children and women who inhabit and protect their territories; women interested in improving their health and gaining knowledge to generate their own sustainable income within their environment.
In general, the projects we have engaged in require significant financial support, and despite the economic alternatives we have created, we are unable to cover basic expenses. Additionally, the challenges Ecuador has faced in recent years have impacted tourism income in the country, making it a considerable challenge to continue with our projects financially. For these reasons, we have co-created the Kausana Foundation, so that people who feel our mission can join us and contribute according to their capabilities, whether economic, professional, or otherwise, with the aim of continuing to carry out the projects.

Do you want to take part in the reforestation and conservation of the Amazon?

Nature is your passion, you have an interest in protecting the indigenous population of the Amazon rain forest, and you understand the importance of promoting inner-healing?

Join us and become a Los Yapas Founder.

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Copyright © Kausana Foundation 2018 | Design and Web Development by: David Hinojosa